What You Need To Know About SAM Templates
- By : Mydatahack
- Category : AWS, Infrastructure
- Tags: AWS, Lambda, SAM, Serverless
AWS SAM template is a thin abstraction of a CloudFormation template to develop and deploy lambda by a AWS tool, SAM (Serverless Application Model). It has shorter syntax compared to writing infrastructure as code with CloudFormation. We still do a little bit of learning when it comes to writing SAM templates. Using `sam init` will create a template, so it is a good starting point. Then we can build the template according to our needs.
Now I have created a Reference github on SAM Templates. It is a comprehensive reference to SAM templates and SAM CLI. If you are interested in developing and deploying lambda with SAM, this might help you to get started!
Documentation: https://github.com/aws-lambda-template-generator/sam-reference-for-lambda