
Customising Cognito SignIn UI for aws-amplify-react with TypeScript

Let’s assume you are having trouble with customising Cognito Sign In UI for aws-amplify-react with TypeScript and have already know what AWS Cognito, aws-amplify and aws-amplify-react. Customising Cogito Signin UI is easy with JavaScript React. All you need to do is to extend the SignIn class in aws-amplify-react with a …


How to Auto Fix Lint on Save with VS Code TSLint Extension

Wouldn’t you rather spend time coding than fixing pesky lint errors? The best time saver for developing TypeScript apps is auto-fixing lint on save. This is a quick instruction to endow this magical power to your VS code. Steps (1) Install tslint in your project. npm i –save-dev tslint (2) …


Sitecore PowerShell Extensions Installation Hangs on Spinning Wheel – Sitecore 8.2

Sitecore PowerShell Extensions is a powerful Sitecore development tool to manage Sitecore contents, create automation jobs and do a tons of cool stuff. It brings the PowerShell scripting capabilities to deliver Sitecore solutions faster. It also has a lot of out of box tools that doesn’t require PowerShell scripting skills. …