Data Engineering

Loading Data Frame to Relational Database with R

Once you create a data frame with R, you may need to load it to a relational database for data persistence. You might have a data transformation batch job written in R and want to load database in a certain frequency. Here, I created a function to load data into …


My Gulp Job Example

Gulp is a build tool that automate application builds. It is usually used for front end build, but you can also use it for backend application build (e.g. automating .NET application build with gulp-msbuild). When it comes to front end build automation, gulp is the most flexible and powerful build …


AWS Lamda Function TypeScript Boilerplate

I have created a boilerplate for TypeScript lambda function. If you are into JavaScript, I have the boilerplate here. TypeScript is really JavaScript that scales as the official tag line suggests. It is type-safe and the TypeScript specific intellisense provided by Visual Code Studio is amazing. Compared to writing in …

Data Engineering

Exporting LaunchDarkly Flag List into a CSV File with Python

At the moment, LaunchDarkly does not have functionality to export a list of flags as csv or excel file. This can change very near future (it may already have the functionality by the time you are reading this post). The workaround is to use API to ingest the data. Here …


How to Manually Create Database Backup for SQL Server

Occasionally, I need to create a database backup from SQL Server manually on demand. It is a handy thing to know. Once the backup is created, it can be loaded to other SQL Server. This often happens when a developer wants to get the database from other environment or even …