
Starting React.js in 30 seconds

When you think about React, it is basically a Javascript library rather than a framework. This means you can import React library in the script tag in your html file and write an inline code, just like jQuery. I previously wrote a post about setting up React development environment by …

Web Technologies

How to Set up Loacl Development Environment for React with Webpack 4 and Babel 7

It is universally acknowledged that setting up a local dev environment is hard work. Especially for javascript frameworks that get constantly updated. The documentation for the older version suddenly stops working and you have to make sure you are installing the correct versions. In this post, I will show you …


Create Custom Python Module and Distribute with Git

When we create a custom Python module, we can distribute it through a Git repository. By using a private repo, you can keep your module private and use it in your deployment pipeline by calling pip install from the private repo. Pretty cool trick. In this example, I created a …