How Postgres JSON Query Handles Missing Key

When we transform JSON to a structured format with a programming language in JSON data ingestion, we have to handle missing key. This is because JSON is schema-less and it doesn’t always have the same keys in all records as opposed to relational database tables. In Python, the missing key …


How To Format Output in Pretty JSON With Postgres

In the previous post, we discussed the new JSON ingestion strategy by using the power of Postgres native JSON support functionality (New JSON Data Ingestion Strategy By Using the Power of Postgres). Since Postgres 9.5, it’s got a cool function jsonb_pretty() which automatically formats the output in the pretty JSON …

Data Engineering

New JSON Data Ingestion Strategy by Using the Power of Postgres

Postgres always had a JSON support with somehow limited capability before the 9.2 version added the native JSON support. The release of version 9.3 has really taken the JSON feature to the next level with additional constructor and extractor methods. The capability of querying and transforming the JSON data type …


Tips and Troubleshooting For Uploading CSV to Database In Talend

There will be time when you want to upload a big csv file (with many rows and hundreds of columns) to a relational database table. Talend Open Studio is an open source ETL tool that I use regularly to do odd jobs like that. I like using it because it …


How To Launch RDS Instance In a Specific Subnet

Let’s launch a Postgres RDS in AWS. You will get 750 hours of Amazone RDS Single-AZ db.t2.micro instance as part of 12 month free tier. You also have a bit of options (MySQL, MariaDB, or SQL Server). I am choosing Postgres here. Amazon RDS makes it easy to set up …


How To Create User Credentials And Grant Privileges In Postgres

Creating user credentials and grand privileges in Postgres can be tricky. You have to make sure each user has the right access level to the right tables and schemas. Each database works differently even they all are relational databases. Postgres has its own way of creating users and granting privileges. …

Data Engineering

How To Get Data From MongoDB With Python

How to get data from MongoDB with Python MongoDB is one of the most popular no SQL databases used as a backend database for web and mobile applications. Data is stored in MongoDB as BSON, which looks like JSON files. Once you understand the way MongoDB stores data, all you …


How To Configure ODBC Connector For Informatica Cloud Secure Agent

Informatica does not have a dedicated Postgres database connector. Therefore, we need to use the ODBC connector. In this post, I will discuss how to configure Postgres ODBC in both Linux and Windows servers for the Informatica Cloud ODBC connector. Linux Server (Red Hat) There are a few instructions, but …