
Fixing No Compiler is Provided in this Environment Error for Maven Project with Eclipse

When you try to run a Maven project Java Servlet app first time, you might get this No Compiler is Provided error Eclipse/Maven error: “No compiler is provided in this environment” The solution is simple. You need to add tools.jar to installed JRE. (1) Eclipse –> Window –> Preference (2) …


Talend: How To Resolve ‘Failed to load the JNI shared library’ Error

When you try to open Talend application, you might get the error message below. Let’s resolve it. Failed to load the JNI shared library “C:\IBM\InformationServer/jdk32\jre\bin\j9vm\jvm.dll”. Talend (both free and licensed) requires Java 1.8. If you still have Java 1.7, you need to upgrade it to 1.8 and set the Java_Home …