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The Difference Between `width: auto` and `width: 100%` in CSS

Introduction: In CSS, setting the width of an element is a common task when it comes to designing web pages. There are different ways to define the width of an element, but two commonly used values are auto and 100%. While they may seem similar, they have distinct behaviors and …


Learning CSS Grid

CSS Grid can be scary. It looks complicated and you might not even know where to start. If you want to get started quickly with CSS grid, I highly recommend Grid Garden. It an interactive learning module for CSS grid. It covers a lot of important concepts about CSS grid. …


Using Font Files Downloaded From Google Font

When you download a font family from Google Fonts, it contains multiple files, each corresponding to a different style. It is common to just import a regular 400 with the font face declaration. The better practice is to use the method called style linking. In @font-face, we can use the …


Adding CSS Support for TypeScript React

Let’s extend the previously build Webpack TypeScript React project to include CSS support. For a small application or widget, it is better to bundle CSS with JavaScript code. This post focuses on getting Bootstrap and styled-jsx working for a React project with TypeScript. Styled-jsx enables us to inject CSS style …