
Extending JQuery Interface for Bootstrap support – TypeScript

If you are using TypeScript for Bootstrap, you need to extend the JQuery interface to add Bootstrap methods. For example, if you want to use the tab function from Bootstrap to programmatically trigger bootstrap tab click, the below code will have a type error. $(‘#mytarget’).tab(‘show’); With TypeScript, we can extend …


Starting React.js in 30 seconds

When you think about React, it is basically a Javascript library rather than a framework. This means you can import React library in the script tag in your html file and write an inline code, just like jQuery. I previously wrote a post about setting up React development environment by …


How To Launch Postgres RDS With AWS Command Line Interface (CLI)

Now that we can launch a bootstrapped EC2 (How To Launch EC2 With Bootstrapping in AWS) with AWS CLI, let’s explore how to launch Postgres RDS with AWS CLI. As in the previous post, we can basically code infrastructure and resources in AWS. This is a step toward coding up …


How To Launch EC2 With Bootstrap in AWS

When you launch an AWS resource (EC2 or RDS), you will have an instance with a default configuration. Then, you have to install software and do custom configuration to bring it to a certain state. Bootstrapping enables you to script software installation and configuration and execute it while launching the …