How To Resolve Refusing to serve hidden directory, via 404 Error with Jupyter notebook.

I hate 404 errors. Whenever I get it, I stare at the screen with disdain because it cannot be fixed most of the time. What cannot be found cannot be found. But, fixing this one is easy!

By default, Anaconda serves notebooks from local directory: C:\ in Windows. To resolve this error, you need to change the startup folder.

(1) Open cmd and run the command below to generate a config file.

jupyter notebook --generate-config

(2) The command creates a file to C:\User\username\.jupyter\jupyter_notebook_config. Go to the folder and open the config file.

(3) Find c.NotebookApp.notebook_dir = uā€™ā€™ and add the path for the start folder that is not a hidden directory (for example, C:\User\username\).

This should fix the error!

How to specify which Node version to use in Github Actions

When you want to specify which Node version to use in your Github Actions, you can use actions/setup-node@v2. The alternative way is to use a node container. When you try to use a publicly available node container like runs-on: node:alpine-xx, the pipeline gets stuck in a queue. runs-on is not …

Using semantic-release with AWS CodePipeline and CodeBuild

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mysqldump Error: Unknown table ‘COLUMN_STATISTICS’ in information_schema (1109)

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