Creating Web APIs using ASP.NET and MySQL in 5 minutes

Creating a web API that interact with a database with C# is quite easy thanks to ASP.NET and Entity Framework. Building API with ASP.NET is essentially creating a MVC application without View. If you learn how to create a website with ASP.NET, you can apply the skills directly to API …


How to Restore AdventureWorks to SQL Server Express

Once you have SQL Server Express installed on your local machine, you may want to load some example data so that you can play around with it. After all, what’s good with the database without data! MySQL comes with the Sakila database upon installation. SQL Server’s equivalent would be AdventureWorks …


How to Connect to Locally Installed SQL Server Express with JDBC

Once you install SQL Server Express locally, you need to go through a few configuration steps to connect to the server with JDBC. Tools In this demo, I am using SQL Workbench to connect to the server. SQL Server Express is 2017 version. JDBC is 7.1.x from Maven Repo. Steps …


How to Enable User Login with SQL Server Express

This post explains steps for enabling the server authentication mode (logging in with username and password) after installing SQL Server Express in your local machine. This is based on 2017 version, but it also works for older ones. SQL Server Express comes with the default Windows Authentication mode when you …


How to Solve ‘Missing Authentication Token Error’ with API Gateway Custom Domain

After setting up everything correctly, you may have ‘Missing Authentication Token Error’ when you call the custom domain while the endpoint from API gateway works. Surprisingly, this is one of the most common errors I have seen, yet not very well documented. So, here it is. When you encounter this …


Using EditorConfig and ESLint in Node.js Project

There are a few tools available to help you to write quality code. In this post, we will show you how to set up Node.js project with EditorConfig and ESLint. EditorConfig is currently one of the most popular tools to maintain consistent coding styles between different editors or IDEs (for …


Setting up Custom Domain Name with SSL Certificate for your S3 Website

Hosting a static website in S3 is a great way to deliver static web content to the world. Hosting a website in S3 is fairly simple. However, if you want to set up SSL certificate and your own custom domain name, you need to do a bit of configuration. AWS …


When My Webpack 4 Server Suddenly Stopped Working

Now, I have a React development environment with webpack 4 set up on my local Windows 10 machine (How to set up local development environment for React with webpack 4 and babel 7). I have encountered a few occasions that the webpack server suddenly stopped starting and giving me the …


Starting React.js in 30 seconds

When you think about React, it is basically a Javascript library rather than a framework. This means you can import React library in the script tag in your html file and write an inline code, just like jQuery. I previously wrote a post about setting up React development environment by …

Web Technologies

How to Set up Loacl Development Environment for React with Webpack 4 and Babel 7

It is universally acknowledged that setting up a local dev environment is hard work. Especially for javascript frameworks that get constantly updated. The documentation for the older version suddenly stops working and you have to make sure you are installing the correct versions. In this post, I will show you …