10 Tips for using Semantic Release

1. Make sure to have the correct name value for the module in package.json. Include a prefix if it is necessary like this, “name”: “@mdhnpm/react-cube-loading-spinner”

2. Make sure to add publishConfig in package.json

"publishConfig": {
    "registry": "https://registry.npmjs.org/"

3. Do not set “private”: true if you want to publish the module. If private is true, semantic-release will skip publishing.

4. Include metadata like description, keywords, author, license and repository.

5. Use a tool like commitizen to ensure the commit message follows a conventional commit. Use comitlint in CI for the commit message check.

6. If you are publishing to the Npm repository as a public package, add access=public in .npmrc.

7. Make your package lean by adding `.npmignore` to exclude unnecessary files.

8. If you configured it well, all you need to do in CI is to run npx semantic-release (or npx semantic-release –no-ci).

9. If you want to run it as GitHub Action, use the third party semantic-release action like cycjimmy/semantic-release-action@v2.

10. If you are using AWS CodePipeline, don’t bother. Nah, kidding. You can still use it. See the blog post, here

If you want to see the example of using semantic-release to publish the package to both npm repository and Github repository, checkout the setup for this one: react-cube-loading-spinner.

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